Why my server is disconnecting everyone Print

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This guide will help you on why your server is disconnecting everyone.

Server disconnecting everyone could be due to your server crashing or could be due to connection stability, most of the times it's due to server crashing and kicking everyone out, run trough the below checks to be sure you have all perfectly setup to avoid this issue.

  1. Stop server and untick(disable) Battleye from Configuration Files > ServerSettings.ini, Dev's are recommending to disable Battleye for now.
  2. Check if you have the correct Region set on Configuration Files > ServerSettings.ini
  3. If it's only you getting disconnected from your server, be sure you are not behind any firewall or connected to a weak Wi-Fi network
  4. If you suspect the server is disconnecting everyone due to being crashing, please read up this guide to help you on that: Why my server is crashing

If you have any questions or you need our help don't hesitate to contact our support system.

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