How to connect to your FTP Print

  • 7

This guide will help you on how to connect to your server using the FTP connection.

1. Download the FileZilla from this link FileZilla Website and install it on your computer.

2. Once you have FileZilla installed on your computer, open it, go to [VIEW] menu on top and disable this two options, [LOCAL DIRECTORY TREE] and [REMOTE DIRECTORY TREE].


3. Now you need your FTP details, check in your server Control Panel what is your [FTP] details, it should be (IP:PORT, normally its port 21 or 8821) and write them down.


4. Go to FileZilla and on top in the [HOST] field type your IP, on the [USERNAME] and [PASSWORD] field type the same details you use to login in your Control Panel and then in the [PORT] field type 
the port and press the [Quickconnect] button. 

You are now connected to your server trough FTP and on the left side you can see your computer
and on the right side you can see your server files.


If you have any questions or you need our help don't hesitate to contact our support system.

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