How to install DeerIsle and DayZ-Expansion on your server Print

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This guide will help you on how to install DeerIsle and DayZ-Expansion on your server.



Always install the DeerIsle and DayZ Expansion first and test the server before adding any other mods, if you already have other mods installed and the server doesn't work, remove all mods and install DeerIsle and DayZ Expansion first, test, then install the other mods one by one, also be aware that some other mods might not be compatible with DeerIsle and DayZ Expansion.


  1. Stop your server
  2. First, install DayZ-Expansion on your server following the Expansion Guide
  3. Click Steam Workshop (blue) button, search and install the following mod
    1. DeerIsle
  4. Press Configuration Files button and edit Config.cfg file with EASY EDITOR option, scroll down to Mission Template field and select: Expansion.DeerIsle and SAVE
  5. Start your server



Default Spawn selection it's broken on DeerIsle and you will spawn underwater, you need to disable Spawn selection from Expansion settings, for that follow these steps.

  1. Stop your server
  2. Go to File Manager button, and edit the \SC\ExpansionMod\Settings\SpawnSettings.json file
  3. Search for this setting: EnableSpawnSelection and change it from 1 to 0 and save the file
  4. Start your server


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